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News: 纽约地铁修建百年 耗资45亿美元打造地下美术馆

New York subway construction of a century-old cost 4.5 billion US dollars to build an underground museum.

2017年新年,纽约地铁“第二大道线”(2nd Avenue Subway)宣布正式通车,这个被戏称为“都市传说”的地铁项目自1919年立项以来已修建了近百年,承载了太多的质疑与期待。正式开通的第二大道地铁线路一期工程将包括96街、86街、72街及换乘站63街四个站点,每个站点邀请一位艺术家入驻其中,而这个耗资45亿美元修建的4座“地下美术馆”也将成为纽约最大规模的公共艺术项目。

位于86街的地铁站由查克·克洛斯(Chuck Close)的12幅马赛克肖像画妆点。作为美国最重要的肖像艺术家,克洛斯曾于2000年荣获美国国家艺术勋章(National medal of Arts),这也是美国官方授予艺术家的最高荣誉奖项。这12幅艺术家亲手绘制、再以上百万块马赛克拼制而成的肖像画作描绘了艺术家本人及他身边的朋友们,其中包括于2013年去世的美国最重要的音乐人Lou Reed,著名作曲家、极少主义音乐代表人物Philip Glass,克洛斯的艺术家好友们Alex Katz、Cindy Sherman等等,而由他绘制的中国艺术家张洹的肖像也入驻其中。

2017 New Year, the New York subway, "Second Avenue Subway" (Second Avenue Subway) announced the official opening of the city, dubbed the "Metro Legend" subway project since 1919 since the project has been built nearly a hundred years, carrying too many questions and look forward to. The official opening of the Second Avenue subway line project will include 96 Street, 86 Street, 72 Street and 63 Station Street, four stations, each site invites an artist settled in, and this cost of 4.5 billion US dollars to build the 4 Block "Underground Art Museum" will also become the largest public art project in New York.

Located on the 86th Street subway station by Chuck Clos (Chuck Close) 12 mosaic portraits.As the most important portrait artist in the United States, Klose was awarded the National Medal of Arts in 2000, which is the highest honor awarded by the US government to artists.The 12 artists, drawn by hand, painted a million mosaic paintings portraying the artist himself and his friends, including the United States in 2013, the death of the most important musician Lou Reed, the famous composer Philip Glass, Alex Katz, Cindy Sherman and so on, and the portraits of Zhang Huan, a Chinese artist he painted, also settled in it.


Artists created in 2017, "Metro Portrait" all made from mosaic tiles


Portrait of Zhang Huan, a Chinese artist by Klose

先锋音乐人Lou Reed的肖像由马赛克瓷砖组成,他于2013年去世,作品影响了一代人

Pioneer musician Lou Reed's portrait, composed of mosaic tiles, he died in 2013, the works of a generation

实际上,曾身为美国照相写实主义代表人物的克洛斯不幸罹患了“面容失认症”,而反复为自己和身边人绘制肖像成为了他与疾病相处的独特方式。在他的作品中,人物的面孔被分解为无数个细胞一样的构成元素,并进一步模糊了摄影与绘画之间的边界。在过去的半个多世纪里,查克·克洛斯使用众多媒介来创作肖像作品,从画笔到相机甚至传统织毯的编织技术等都被他灵活运用到创作之中。正如评论家Robert Storr所言,创新性一直是克洛斯创作中的重要部分,但他从不为创新而创新,而是尝试以别人从未想到的手段去过滤和组织照片捕捉到的现实。这组由马赛克瓷砖组成的地铁肖像系列不仅有着克洛斯肖像绘画的典型视觉风格,更以其崭新的媒材带给其作品以新的表现形式。

In fact, as a representative of the United States photographic realism of Klose unfortunately suffering from the "face of the disease", and repeatedly for himself and the people around him to draw portraits become a unique way to get along with the disease. In his work, the faces of the characters are broken down into countless cell-like elements, further blurring the boundaries between photography and painting. For more than half a century, Chuck has used many mediums to create portraits, from brushes to cameras and even the weaving of traditional tapestries, to his creations. As commentator Robert Storr puts it, innovation has always been an important part of Clos's creation, but he never innovates for innovation, but tries to filter and organize the reality captured by photographs in ways nobody else has ever imagined. This group of mosaic tiles in the subway portrait series not only has the Klose portrait painting of the typical visual style, but also with its new media to bring their works to new forms of expression.

Chuck Close的自画像由25万块瓷砖拼制而成,自画像是其肖像作品中数量最多的题材

The self-portraits of Chuck Close are made of 250,000 pieces of tiles, and self-portraits are the most numerous of their portraits

完工前的地铁站挂着著名作曲家Philip Glass的肖像,他是艺术家最好的朋友,曾为其绘制了超过100幅肖像,数量仅次于艺术家著名的“自画像”系列

Before the completion of the subway station hangs the portrait of the famous composer Philip Glass, he is the artist's best friend, has drawn more than 100 portraits, the number of artists after the famous "self-portrait" series


At the 86th Street subway station, twelve portraits by Chuck Cross were exhibited

72街的地铁站则交给了巴西艺术家维克·穆尼兹(Vik Muniz),他的作品曾亮相全球重要的美术馆及双年展,并曾在2014年到访中国,在上海龙美术馆举办了个展《万象》。穆尼兹常采用意想不到的日常材料进行创作,糖果、巧克力、纸屑、拼图乃至钻石珠宝都是他手中的“颜料”,而在这次纽约地铁的独特“个展”中,他选用了玻璃马赛克为材料,创作了一副真人尺寸的群像长卷。作品题目《完美的陌生人》取自美国上世纪八九十年代家喻户晓的情景喜剧,讲述了美国新一代移民来此寻找“美国梦”的故事。穆尼兹在作品中描绘了有着不同国籍、不同种族、不同性别、不同职业和教育文化背景的众生相,在纽约的地铁之中偶然相遇。

72 metro station to the Brazilian artist Vik Muniz (Vik Muniz), his works have been unveiled at the world's major art museums and biennales, and in 2014 to visit China in Shanghai Dragon Art Museum held a solo exhibition "Vientiane." Muñiz often used unexpected daily materials to create, candy, chocolate, confetti, puzzles and even diamond jewelry are his hands "pigments", and in the New York subway unique "solo", he chose the glass Mosaic for the material, creating a real-size group of scrolls. The title of the project, Perfect Stranger, is a well-known sitcom in the 1980s and 1990s, telling the story of a new generation of American immigrants looking for an American Dream. In his works, Munitz described the various living creatures of different nationalities, races, genders, occupations, and educational and cultural backgrounds, and met in the subway of New York .


72-street subway station display Vick Mooney's group portrait of "perfect stranger", people from different cultural backgrounds met in the New York subway

而96街地铁站则展出了美国艺术家萨拉·施(Sarah Sze)的作品。这幅只使用了4300块瓷砖的简洁作品以流动的蓝白两色图案贯穿了整个站台的墙壁,白色的纸张最终化为飞鸟,逐渐消失在地铁站口。

While the 96th Street subway station displays the works of American artist Sarah Sze. This simple piece of work with only 4,300 tiles runs through the walls of the platform with a flowing blue and white pattern, and the white paper eventually fades into the subway station.


Sarah Shi's concise and elegant work

四座美术馆的最后一座位于原有的换乘站63街地铁站,由韩裔美国艺术家简辛(Jean Shin)进行创作。她依据摄影档案,复原了63街当年因修建“第二大道线”地铁项目而被拆除的高架轻轨线路,以艺术的方式为城市的发展变迁留下印记。

The last one of the four galleries is located at the original transfer station 63rd Street subway station, which was created by Korean-American artist Jean Shin. She based on the photographic files, the restoration of the 63rd Street that year due to the construction of the "second avenue line" subway project was demolished elevated light rail line, art way for the city's development and change left imprint.


The New York Metropolitan Transportation Agency (MTA) has announced plans to complete the second, third and fourth phases of the MTR in 2020, and the expansion of the "Underground Art Gallery" project in parallel with the project will continue. This 98-year-old subway line running through Manhattan was chosen to respond to public expectations with art.


Pictures from the new media culture magazine "Hyperallergic" and the New York Metropolitan Transportation Department official social media account



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